Put your best foot forward: Brand Transparency

It’s a fragile world; trust isn’t easy
We live in a world where authenticity is implied by the amount of information you hold about a person or a product, or rather just being a Transparent Brand! The more you know about someone or something, the more you believe in what they claim. No longer do people trust on hear-say or simple words of convincing manner- they demand proof of identity, information on authenticity and the reason to believe.

Authenticity is crucial
With the existence of internet, there are million ways to scrutinize a product and question its value or credibility. People have all the resources in the world to check, cross-check and re-check what you claim about your brand/product, to judge your product on the virtual world and to out you in the category of yay or nay within a matter of minutes. What this implies? It implies you need to be careful of what you put out there.
Transparency is key
So, what is the optimum way to approach the crowd carefully and with assurance of likeability at first glance? Brand Transparency is key.
Customers want to know you inside out to believe your product and stay loyal. The more the information, the more the reliability. They want to know the founder behind the concept, the team force and the purpose of its existence. They demand sheer transparency because that puts the power in their hands. Acquiring all the needed information makes you dispensable to them, which leads to the trust factor of your clear identity.

The end game: Customer Loyalty
Once you have succeeded in convincing your audience, it is equally important to retain them, to make them loyal towards you. To do so, keep them hooked! Innovate new options and offers for your valuable customers, increase the variety of available options to best suit their needs, give promises that you can deliver and keep them posted about what’s next in order to maintain the excitement!
The internet: friend or foe?
Internet can be your greatest friend if used righteously. These days, people comment and write reviews about anything and everything. Building an impressive user experience largely impacts the brand identity: It initiates positive reviews on the internet. Ensuring quick responses towards customer services and providing the optimum user experience caters to huge positive impact on the virtual screen.
It’s a mind game- one where rules are simple – being transparent and honesty is significant.
Factors of faith
The basic factors included in building consumer faith are:
- Easy understandability of your product and its purpose,
- The constituents/ingredients,
- The quality standards,
- And the product certification.
Once you cover these aspects, it comes down to how you present your product. First impressions matter the most to attract the customer attention and trust, using social media techniques to publicize your existence is an effective tool for example.