How twitter can be an essential part of your business
Twitter is not just a public relations tool, but is more than just a way to publicize a new product or service. It’s a means to quickly connect and engage with customers, partners and employees and build a loyal following. Following are 3 ways to use Twitter for your business and benefit your bottom line:
1. Lead generation/customer acquisition
Every single tweet re shared is a means to acquire new potential customers. This is especially important for companies hoping to cash in on latest generated by marketing wizards. It also possible to reach out the customers of other competitors. However, care should be taken so that hard selling is not the result, but helping is the means. A genuine approach is useful in the long run. One can also create tweets communicating product & services discounts. This also tends to catch onto more business leads that sales team can work on.
2. Recruiting
54% of companies are using Twitter to hire, and 74% of hires come from social networks as per data. Twitter is the perfect medium for hiring niche talents. By using industry-specific search terms and a geolocation filter will help you to quickly narrow your search to nearby candidates who are passionate about your products or services. There are many examplesof hirings done just by interviewing candidates who are also fans of the company products. It is possible to find genuine, long term employees.
All it requires is a proper hashtag and you are good to go. So, for example, a software coding company could create a twitter hashtag about coding context and they can find out qualified candidates just by researching online.
3. Market research
This is where Twitter can be a boon for many small & large scale businesses. Twitter reflects the mood of the audience and their complaints, troubles and optimistic aspirations. This can be insightful for many companies as they can get into the skin of the game. A good market research will focus on competitor offerings. Another way is to understand how audience responds to hashtags and twitter posts. Understanding this allows better content generation and trend creation.